The Livonian music album JŪRD/SAKNES/ROOTS unites songs in the languages of the different Livonian tribes that were located in Latvia. These traditional songs and melodies have been interpreted by the composers Uģis Prauliņš, Laima Jansone and Edgars Beļickis. This album unites an eclectic mix of choir, ethnic and world music elements.
JŪRD/SAKNES/ROOTS was innitiated by the conductor of the Saulkrasti mixed choir ANIMA, as well as singer of the vocal group Latvian Voices and Vintage Ensemble Neaizmirstulītes Laura Leontjeva.
“The idea originated in 2014 when we explored the cultural heritage of Saulkrasti in the concertprogramme “Saules krastos”. We especially resonated to the theme of the Livonians of Vidzeme, that is why I asked the composer Uģis Prauliņš to create music using Livonian folksongs” Laura Leontjeva tells. Short video about the creation of the album.
Along with the interpretations of Livonian folksongs by Laima Jansone and Edgars Beļickis, the album includes the cycle composed by Uģis Prauliņš “Līvu sasaukšanās” which is based in a number of Livonian folk music traditions. Uģis Prauliņš says “I wanted to find especially songs and texts from the Vidzeme Livonians, but I managed to gather all the Fino-Ugrians that have lived in Latvia – Livs, Leivs and Lutsi: tribes located on the Southern border of the Fino-Ugric area with their echos in Saarema and Pärnu.”
“Latvia is the homecountry of the Livs and the Latvians – this is the ground that we give our whole heart to. In the 101st year of the success-story of this country the Livonian language resounds again. This is a signal, a hope for the future that this is the moment when tomorrow is born – the evolution of two miraculous cultures merging. Let the Liv and Lett Live!” Julgī Stalte.
Participants in the recording: Saulkrasti mixed choir ANIMA, Uģis Prauliņš (piano), Latvīte Cirse (kokles), Andris Grunte (base), Mārtiņš Miļevskis (percussions), Leanne Barbo (Jew`s harp), Andis Klučnieks (flutes), Indulis Cintiņš (violin), Otto Trapāns (violin), Ivars Brīnums (alto), Jānis Rinkulis (chello),Edgars Beļickis (piano). Soloists Julgī Stalte, Ilona Dzērve, Elīna Ose, Laura Leontjeva, Laila Zālīte, Dace Černišova, Matīss Tučs, Eduards Plankājs, Kārlis Taube, Tomass Sergejevs, Valts Ernštreits.
JŪRD/SAKNES/ROOTS sound engineer Kaspars Bārbals, recorded in Studio “Lauska” and 1st Studio of Latvian Radio. Studija.