The sixth album by the Latvian folklore group “Laiksne” “Ko zinu gaidīt” thirteen folksongs about the lifespan of women, beginning with being born, growing up, youth and preparation for marriage.

“Ko zinu gaidīt?” – “What should I await?” – is in between the known and the unknown. Life would be boring, if we knew everything beforehand,” this is what the members of the group say. “We have been cradeling this new album for three whole years, while looking for the songs in field-research archives, scriptures and among friends. The sound of “Laiksne” is created by all the group members together – it is created with a bright smile, to be listened to lightly!”
The album was recorded in studio “GEM plus” (sound engineer Gatis Gaujenieks), group members Baiba Indrēvica, Dina Liepa, Laumai Garkalne, Imanta Nīgale, Vineta Romāne, Kaspars Indrēvics and Gatis Gaujenieks, and guest musicians in the song “Es piedzimu pie māmiņas” – Ilga Reizniece and children of “Laiksnes” Elizabete Miltiņa and Juma Gaujeniece.
The group “Laiksne” has been active in the Latvian folklore scene since 1993 and has collected a wide range of traditional music material – from seasonal celebration songs to folkdance melodies, by playing mainly contemporary interpreted folkmusic. Until now the group has released five albums which are dedicated to different themes – the life of women (Kyukova dzagyuze (2001) and Es jauna būdama (2003), the summer solstice Jāņi (Jāņu nakti zelta rasa), Christmas time – Es čigāna meita biju (2013) and social gathering songs – Putra (2010)).
The album cover uses a painting “Night dropplets” by Laura Pīgozne. Album design Mārtiņš Plotka.
The album was supported by Valsts Kultūrkapitāla fonds, Kultūras centrs Iļģuciems and Rīgas domes Izglītības, kultūras un sporta departaments.