As the Latvian concerttour of Auļi and guests is kicking off, with the programme “Voices of the Ancestors”, a new CD is released featuring the whole programme.

In the last couple of years the Latvian bagpipe and drums music group “Auļi” have been searching for musical partners with strong voices. This time the main feature is the male voice with specific vocal traditions from different regions of the world.
The programme “Voices of the Ancestors” unites powerful pagpipe and drum instrumental music with throat singing, Sami joik and yodelling. Of course, also Latvian folk songs are included. Each of these vocal traditions is represented by one artist: Batzorig Vaanchig (Mongolia) – throat singing, Kai Somby (Norway) – Sami joik, Albin Paulus (Austria) – yodelling, Edgars Lipors (Latvia) – traditional Latvian singing.

While preparing the programme, the musicians of Auļi travelled to the places, where this particular singing technique originated and can be heard till nowadays. Now also the listeners can go on this journey with the help of the music.

Auļi have also documented their meetings with the artists in four musical videos and in talks with the musicians.
The sixth album of Auļi “Senču balsis – Voices of the Ancestors” can be found in the best music shops and in Lauska online shop.