Artūrs Daukulis has created music videos for “Vētras saites”
New videos are created for the songs “Piesaukšana” and “Lauztās priedes” by the group “Vētras saites” – made by the multi-media artist Artūrs Daukulis.
Once as a ship navigator he traveled the oceans of the whole world and collected impressions and developed his unique skill to recognise and highlight beauty where others wouldn’t see it. Artūrs has made his original video about the musical interpretations sung by Jānis Buķelis and “Harmony 4 Riga”.

Vētras Saites Foto: Jordi NN
For the song “Piesaukšana” Artūrs Daukulis has used material from his videocollection, that he has been colleting for many years by filming Riga and the city sky in diverse angles. The video for the song “Lauztās priedes” uses videomaterial from the local Mangaļsala in different seasons as well as from the ship navigated by Artūrs in the Atlantic Ocean. Both songs are included in the newest album of “Vētras saites” – “Rīga paliek”.