Juris Zalāns

Juris Zalāns // © Jordi NN

Phone +371 2956 6995

E-Mail juris@lauska.lv

Project management, publishing

Studied at the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the Latvian University, graduated in 1995 with a Bachelor’s degree.

From 1989 to 1990 worked as elementary school teacher in the Latvian village “Lejas Bulāna” in Siberia, Russia. Co-founder of the Latvian Anthropologists Association and participant in several oral history projects. Co-founder of a number of NGOs. Long term experience in project writing and music management as well as publishing of music recordings, books, magazines and other printed material. Many years worked as project manager at the publishing company N.I.M.S.

Since 2009 works at the museum and research centre “Latvians Abroad” www. lapamuzejs.lv

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