- Concert Programme
- Craftsmen Programme
- Workshops
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- Story about Sviests
12.00 – 12.30
Drabešu muižas koklētāji
The group of kokle players from Drabešu muiža – leader Tālis Karlsons play kokles together for two years.
12.45 – 13.30
The musicians in Lāns are experienced folk musicians who sing and play different traditional music instruments. Their most recent album is Dzērves un dzērvenes.
13.45 – 14.30
Mari Kalkun
Deeprooted personal music channeled by a warm voice and atmospheric compositions.
15.00 – 15.40
Misters has founded the genre of folk-rap in Latvia and he participated with one of his songs in the album SVIESTS 3. This time he will sing hip-hop with folklore references.
16.00 – 16.45
Duo Malva & Priks
Two men from Viljandi with accordion and drum-set creating Nordic sound landscapes which are both rhytmic and contemplative, original and based in tradition.
- Concert Programme
- Craftsmen Programme
- Workshops
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- Story about Sviests
Craftsmen and Arts Objects Programme from 11.00 to 17.00
Artists group „Mālnieki” – „Mālu sviestā!” (Clay to butter!)
Ypung artists group – fresh from the Arts Academy – enthusiastically will try to churn butter out of clay. Visitors will be able to participate.
Taurētājs no Tālavas – creating of a wooden trumpet
Andris Roze – craftsman with golden hands and able to make almost any instrument. You will see how a wooden trumpet is made and will also have an opportunity to blow it!
TkIC”KasTe” – Exhibition of Butter-making instruments
How you could get butter in the old times – churning and shaking instruments – watch and try yourself! Churn butter with Inese Roze
TkIC”KasTe” – „Butter on your bread and in your hair”
Is butter only good on bread? Not only – it is also good in your hair and on your face – watch and learn, how and where! Ingrīda Jasinska has tried it herself – she will show and tell everybody who has interest in this.
TKIC „KasTe” – „Velkam deķi uz savu pusi” – The Big Herbal Blanket
The big herbal planket – grass, flowers and herbs will be woven into a herbal blaket together with the Weavers of the Crafts House from Drabeši.
Jānis Grantiņš – „Mucām sviestu Cēsīs vedu” – Butter Barrels
How do we transport butter – in carloads, boxes or barrels? Jānis Grantiņš thinks, in barrels – he will show how barrels are made.
TKIC „KasTe” – Hay for cows and kids
In the children’s place you will see that hay is not only good for cows – there will be a haystack for sitting and chilling, for making and creating small objects and other nice thingemies.
Pirts skola/Dzintra Kozaka – The Green Sauna
A possibility to enjoy healing whisking with herbal whisks.
„Kaļķu vārti” – Restaurant „Kaļķis ar sviestu” – Chalk with Butter
No meat – snacks, tuckers and goodies – everything from Butter, with or without Butter, or just yellow.
Sami workshop in „Ruķeļi”

WorkshopFish Skin Tanning and Processing
Workshop, where participants will have the opportunity to learn how to tan different fish skins. This craft has almost disappeared, though there is evidence that fish skin has been used to make different articles – purses and other things. Also all the necessary ingredients for tanning fish skin is easily available in Latvia, so it would be worth to revive this craft in Latvia.
10-12 local crafts people and enthusiasts will have the opportunity to participate in the fish skin tanning workshop and under the guidance of an experienced master learn to clean, prepare and tan different fish skin that can later be used for sewing small leather articles – purses, little bags and other.

Workshopbuilding of Sami traditional tent – Goahti
Under the guidance of a Sami craftsman you will have the opportunity to prepare wooden details and to build a traditional Sami tent – the Goahti – which until recently was used for living by Sami reindeer herders. The lavvu construction is made from wooden poles, covered by a strong tent fabric. Usually there is a fireplace in the middle of the goahti.
About the workshop leaders
Gerlinde Thiessen has been working for many years for the Beaivváš Sami Nationaltheatre as a technician, seamstresses and props manager. Lauska met her at the Sami festival Isogaisa in Norway where the short introduction into fish-skin tanning was filmed. Gerlinde is a goldsmithmaster – working in metal and with bones and antlers. For some sami short films she has created scenography and props. She has specialized in different crafts, including leatherworks and fish skin tanning.
Bernt Morten Bongo works as technician at the Beaivváš Sami Nationaltheatre since 1990 and has been light and set designer for many theatre plays.
He is a learned craftsman and works particularly in Sami “duodgi” – Sami traditional crafts, that uses antlers and woodworking, metal, leather and other material for the making of different Sami traditional objects.
Frederika Wennermo from Umeo, Sweden, which is a Sami cultural centre in Sweden. She has spent the biggest part of her life living abroad and traveling to different places in the world. She is an academic researcher – holds a Bachelor Degree in Theology and a Master Degree in Religion in Peace and Conflict. Frederika is a practicing healer and has lived for many years in Guatemala with a local community, where she learned different healing practices with shamans, healers and curanderas in Guatemala, Mexiko and other countries. She has two sons and five years ago she returned North to Sweden. In these years she has studied and learned contemporary shamanic practices – out of personal interest as well as for research reasons – to better understand her own roots, as well as the historical context and the contemporary world with its mix of cultures and worldviews.
Concert Information

23th July 2016

Concert price
Free entrance
Workshop Information

from 25th to 28th July 2016

Participation fee
10 EUR per day
Four days 35 EUR.

Applying and more information via e-mail until 20th
daina@lauska.lv, or call 2915 6686
Number of participants limited

Possibility to camp with your own tent, food will be provided. There is a pond and possibility to wash in the sauna
- Concert Programme
- Craftsmen Programme
- Workshops
- Information
- Partners
- Story about Sviests
Lauska’s biannual ethno-music collections are called Sviests.
In 2013 the idea developed into a daytime festival in the city of Cēsis.
We interprete Sviests – Butter – as being the essence, the best thing you can get out of milk. Just like the ethno-music played nowadays, it takes the old musical tradition, churns it, until the actual essence appears, and presents it to the people.
Sviests is a real, natural thing, as opposed to artificial margarine.
And there is also a slight ironic meaning, because, if you say in Latvian “Sviests”, it can also mean something strange, not understandable, which this music still is for many people. So we take the word out of their mouth!