Title Smukā meitiņ’
SKU 2018 CD078

10.00  incl. VAT


„Tarkšķu mandolīnisti” is a part of the children and youth folklore ensemble „Tarkšķi” from Iecava, that has paid particular attention to this nice string instrument – the mandolin. The mandolin can be played in mandolin ensembles as well as a part of bands with different other instruments such as guitar, violins, accordeon etc.  The group plays popular tunes from the beginning of the 20th century that were documented in Zemgale.

  1. Leijerkastnieks - video
  2. Runča deja
  3. Meitas puišus apsūdzēja
  4. Grievaltas valsis - video
  5. Kārlis un Anna
  6. Es esu jauna - video
  7. Veca meita esmu
  8. Ak, meitiņas
  9. Valckadriļas
  10. Bēdīgs puika
  11. Bērziņš
  12. Poļu kadriļa
  13. Smukā meitiņ'
  14. Latištūr
  15. Trīne Līze
  16. Ko mēs, meitas, darīsim?