A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / R / S / T / V / Z

Stiprās sievas

Igeta Gaiķe
Dina Skreitule
Gunta Apsīte
Inese Mailīte
Līga Puriņa
Ināra Garklāva
Solvita Valtere
Inta Grīnberga
Agnese Bērziņa
Dace Melbārde

The free will ensemble “Stiprās sievas” (the Strong Women) started singing together 5 years ago in the music and arts festival “Bildes”, where at the end of a creative camp a song was prepared for a final concert. In the next summer another song was created, the following year another one. Then the  group was invited to sing in a folk-concert which requested thorough preparation. Since then the Stiprās sievas gather once a week to rehearse together. In the 30th anniversary of the festival “Bildes” the Stiprās sievas already were performing in the Veteran’s concert making music together with Raimonds Tiguls. Stiprās sievas have performed in national celebrations in 2016 and 2017. They have lead Latvian Midusmmer celebrations in Annaberg, Bonn, Germany for exile Latvians, performed in the Ethnographic Open Air Museum during the Museum’s Night, in the  annual Crafts Fair, in the Academy of Sciences, and now prepares to participate in the Latvian Song Festival in Esslingen, Germany.

Published by lauska


A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / R / S / T / V / Z